I hope everything goes well, but from the reports and whispers we have been hearing, it is almost too much to hope.
Lewil is quite akin to Tiroulau in manner of geography and climate, but the government is a far cry from our sweet home. Villages govern themselves, and are somewhat wary of outsiders. It will be a while before the people of our new village, Lloches, learn to accept us. However, they seem to remember our home planet's generosity to them in the past.
Akire is settling in well, albeit the usual baby phases. She cries in the night, and whenever the name of Tiroulau comes up, she smiles. Her Gyft has not manifested in the manner of actual matter, but there is a sparkle in her eyes that tells of her true nature. Ryda has taken to nursing her on a mix of goat and cow milk,and that seems to compliment her nicely.
We have purchased a small hut and land in the village, and we plan to portray ourselves as poor farmers who immigrated from Tiroulau. So far, we have made a few friends. In fact, there is a woman named Estelle who comes regularly to knit with Ryda, and simply adores Akire.
If things progress as they have so far, our position will remain intact.
Year 3, Month 42, Week 169
If only you could see your child, my queen! She has grown into a beautiful young girl. Her eyes have become clearer to see, and they are a bright shade of violet, which no doubt proves your theory of her importance to the future of Tiroulau. She has many friends in Lloches now, as have Xerin and I. Estelle has become a great friend to me, and she helps me in my endeavors to establish a knitting stall at the nearby market.
Estelle's daughter, Rosyi, is a few years over twenty, and she already has a small child of her own, named Athan. Rosyi draws wonderful sketches of her child, and has even composed one of Akire, which is enclosed in this report.
We have heard of Lennox's death, and we send our deepest sorrow and compassion.
Year 7, Month 87, Week 350
It will be many years until you read this, but we felt it necessary to enclose a letter to you in our latest progress report.
By now you must know that your mother, the queen, is dead. Even though you are a mere nine years, you now control the great planet of Tiroulau.
But by the time you read these words, you will have grown into your kingdom, and we must tell you of a great secret that has been kept quiet from all except your parent's most trusted advisors: you have a sister.
A sister who is, at present, out in the garden making daisy chains out of roses. Her name is Akire. From what I have heard she looks nothing like you (you have flaxen hair and hazel eyes, I believe). Instead, she takes a liking to a great queen of old, named Shekinah. Shekinah was the first queen of Tiroulau, and she was also the possessor of a great power, called the Gyft. This same Gyft now resides in your sister, though she knows naught of it.
If ever you should need of great assistance in your kingdom, (and you know that day will come, it has been foretold), then seek out your sister. It is vital to the survival of Tiroulau.
~Xerin Arbed (Flickerclaw)
[{(Hehe more suspense!)}]
I really want to read more now! :D