Monday, November 29, 2010

Interlude of Sadness (AKA: A Scene I Don't Know Where To Fit In)

The room wasn't as big as most on the base, but it was enough. The walls were decorated with two things: a large window that was shedding sunlight into the eyes of the man standing in the room, and a rectangular painting featuring a glittering spire. The man remembered painting this for her, remembered the brushstrokes, but most of all her smile. He had given it to her on a day that had begun better than any other, but had turned out to be one of the worst of his life, but it had brought a fleeting smile to tear-stained face.
A bed decorated with a woven quilt and pillows stood against one wall, a bedside table standing resolutely next to it. On the table were three things that he knew she held dear.
One, a picture of her with her arms around the rest of her team, all of whom smiled into the camera, some more grimly than others. The other woman in the picture had a knowing, half-smile, while one of the men had rumpled dark hair and was smirking. The remaining two members of the photo looked both awkward and at home at the same time. One of them towered over all the rest, and the other was attempting to not smile as hard as he could. The man smiled when he saw this, and his eyes lingered on the woman in the front, with the bright violet eyes and the necklace that sparkled in the sun.
The second was a thick, leather book with a strange symbol on the front. He had never asked her about this, but knew that a picture of a dark skinned, laughing man was wedged somewhere within, along with a drawing of her family.
The third was another picture. He was in this one, and remembered when this was taken. Her eyes looked straight at him from the camera, piercing him as deeply as if she was standing beside him. He saw his own face there as well, but that was insignificant. He picked up the frame of this picture, and undid the clasps on the back. He popped out the back, laid it on the table, and reached in for the picture, and snaked it out. He turned it over, looked at it a minute, before folding it in half and putting it in his breast pocket.
The man laid the frame back on the table, and walked swiftly to the door. Looking back, he felt his eyes filling with tears. He could almost hear her say his name, and heard her laugh as clear as day. The image of her solemn eyes flashed in front of her face, and suddenly he turned and left the room, the door sliding shut behind him.
He was unaware that where he had folded the picture, a paper-cut bled, and that a solitary tear was streaming down his right cheek.

[Just so you don't freak out and start asking all sorts of questions like: who is this guy?, who are the people in the picture?, is this Akire's room?, if so, what is this random stalker doing in there?, why is he crying?, why did he take that picture?, what is up with the painting?, why did this guy give her the painting on one of the worst days of his life?, etc, etc, let me answer some:

-this guy: wait and see [hehe evil]
-people in the pic: her team
-yes, it is Akire's room. yes, she is MIA
-he is crying b/c he is sad. obvi!
-he took the pic because it has Akire in it!
-the painting is pretty. that's what's up with it
-he gave her the painting because he was painting it for her and she was sad because ***THIS INFO HAS BEEN REMOVED BECAUSE IT IS A SPOILER***


thanks XD)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chapter 1: In Her Words

{Excerpt of a transcript of a recording by Akire Zyll Flickerclaw regarding her years on the planet Lewil.}


We lived in a village called Lloches, that...I...probably mentioned before, but I digress. Do you like my use of words? McKay taught it to me. Actually, he does a lot of digressing. But, anyways, [rustling noises], Lloches was kind of small, which my parents liked. My parents used to be servants in a castle on the planet of Tiroulau, or at least that's what they told me.
When I was younger I used to love running through the cornstalks, lying down and imagining that I was the only one in the world. But then my father Xerin would come looking for me, swing me up into his arms, and carry me back to the house.
Father worked on the farm, and produced everything from corn to pumpkins. He also kept several chickens, the sweetest of which was named Buttercup. The rooster, on the other hand, was a menace. He owned the yard, and would strut around pecking at everything in his way. I would help out occasionally on the farm, but most of my time was spent with my mother, Ryda.
Ryda was a weaving, knitting, sewing machine. All our clothes were made by her, as well as many of the village. Whenever I walked in the door, there she would be, a needle for thread or yarn in her hand, smiling at me. Every--[voice breaks]

I'm sorry [sniff]

[sigh] OK.

Every night, the three of us would gather around the fire and tell stories about our day to one another. My father would sit back in his chair, smoke his pipe and sometimes interject a thought or idea, or burst into laughter. My mother would knit away and smile as I told of a dandelion that had blown itself away, or a raven that had pecked at my dress as I lay in the fields.
My primary companion through these years was a boy named Athan, who was older than me by one year, two months, and seven days, as he constantly reminded me. His mother was Ryda's best friend. Athan and I would search the brooks for fish and the woods for monsters, pretending that we were great explorers on a quest to save our planet. How I wish he could see what I am doing now, for he would be amazed that our childish games turned into an actual career, at least for myself.


{More follows this transcript, but this excerpt provides sufficient evidence enough to determine the home planet, parents, and friends of Akire Zyll Flickerclaw. This will be taken into consideration in our investigation of her kidnapping.}

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Progress Reports Excerpts: Years 1-7

Year 1, Month 2, Week 2

I hope everything goes well, but from the reports and whispers we have been hearing, it is almost too much to hope.
Lewil is quite akin to Tiroulau in manner of geography and climate, but the government is a far cry from our sweet home. Villages govern themselves, and are somewhat wary of outsiders. It will be a while before the people of our new village, Lloches, learn to accept us. However, they seem to remember our home planet's generosity to them in the past.
Akire is settling in well, albeit the usual baby phases. She cries in the night, and whenever the name of Tiroulau comes up, she smiles. Her Gyft has not manifested in the manner of actual matter, but there is a sparkle in her eyes that tells of her true nature. Ryda has taken to nursing her on a mix of goat and cow milk,and that seems to compliment her nicely.
We have purchased a small hut and land in the village, and we plan to portray ourselves as poor farmers who immigrated from Tiroulau. So far, we have made a few friends. In fact, there is a woman named Estelle who comes regularly to knit with Ryda, and simply adores Akire.
If things progress as they have so far, our position will remain intact.


Year 3, Month 42, Week 169

If only you could see your child, my queen! She has grown into a beautiful young girl. Her eyes have become clearer to see, and they are a bright shade of violet, which no doubt proves your theory of her importance to the future of Tiroulau. She has many friends in Lloches now, as have Xerin and I. Estelle has become a great friend to me, and she helps me in my endeavors to establish a knitting stall at the nearby market.
Estelle's daughter, Rosyi, is a few years over twenty, and she already has a small child of her own, named Athan. Rosyi draws wonderful sketches of her child, and has even composed one of Akire, which is enclosed in this report.


We have heard of Lennox's death, and we send our deepest sorrow and compassion.


Year 7, Month 87, Week 350


It will be many years until you read this, but we felt it necessary to enclose a letter to you in our latest progress report.
By now you must know that your mother, the queen, is dead. Even though you are a mere nine years, you now control the great planet of Tiroulau.
But by the time you read these words, you will have grown into your kingdom, and we must tell you of a great secret that has been kept quiet from all except your parent's most trusted advisors: you have a sister.
A sister who is, at present, out in the garden making daisy chains out of roses. Her name is Akire. From what I have heard she looks nothing like you (you have flaxen hair and hazel eyes, I believe). Instead, she takes a liking to a great queen of old, named Shekinah. Shekinah was the first queen of Tiroulau, and she was also the possessor of a great power, called the Gyft. This same Gyft now resides in your sister, though she knows naught of it.
If ever you should need of great assistance in your kingdom, (and you know that day will come, it has been foretold), then seek out your sister. It is vital to the survival of Tiroulau.

~Xerin Arbed (Flickerclaw)

[{(Hehe more suspense!)}]

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The woman stood at the balcony of the castle, her gold crown and jewels glimmering in the last light of the afternoon. She surveyed the landscape with the weary eyes of a queen who has seen many sunsets on days full of darkness. In one hand was clutched a worn scroll, and the other rested lightly on the balcony.
Footsteps sounded quietly on the gold trimmed red carpet behind the woman. She did not turn around--she knew who it was. One person and one person alone was permitted into the room at such times as this. Even the guards stood outside the great, high ceilinged hall with it's red banners and two gold-gilded thrones.
The man who had entered rested his hand on the woman's shoulder. She relaxed a fraction, but her dark eyes still skimmed the horizon.
"Are we doing the right thing?" The man's voice was low and concerned. Worry lined his face, and his grip on the woman's shoulder tightened.
"I asked myself that many times," replied the woman. "And the answer was always yes. If we keep her here, then they will destroy her as soon as they learn her secret. If we send her away, she will be protected until she has grown into her inheiritance. Then she will return to us, and rule as it is written. Her sister can take care of the kingdom until then."
The man followed her gaze out towards the horizon. "Reighna, I hope that you are right, for the sake of Tiroulau."
"I am always right," the woman laughed slightly. "I am queen, am I not?"
At that moment, a knock on the door sounded throughout the hall. Reighna and the man turned. "Enter," the queen called. The
two ornate oak doors opened and a messenger, dressed in silver and red, stepped cautiously into the room. He bowed nervously. "My queen, the Arbeds are here," he announced.
"Thank you," Reighna dipped her head. "You may leave us now." The messenger closed the two great doors, and the Reighna and the man were left alone.
"This is it," the man announced, straightening the silver cloak that hung on his shoulders.
"Yes," Reighna murmured. "She will be alright."
The man kissed her forehead. "I'm sure she will," his words said, but his eyes told a different story.


Out in the antechamber, two people sat on a wooden bench. The man had blue eyes and a brown beard, and his wife leaned against him. He hair was covered by a patched and stained shawl. The doors opened and the two figures straightened up. Reighna and the man walked through the doors.
The two couples exchanged no words, for none were needed. Another woman, rather large and red faced, hurried up, and made a clumsy curtsy. In her hands she held a bundle wrapped in a yellow blanket. "King Lennox, Queen Reighna," she said with a flustered air. "Here is the princess."
"Thank you," Lennox said, taking the bundle from the woman.
The nursemaid looked at the bundle with tears in her eyes. "Oh, excuse me," she said. "It's just...I've grown so close to her in the time she was here." She wiped her eyes, then made another curtsy and walked away, wiping her eyes.
A biting silence followed this small drama.
At last the man with the beard spoke. "We are ready."
Lennox squeezed his wife's hand, and then handed the bundle over to the other couple. The woman with the shawl took the yellow cloth in her arms and peered down at it.
"Oh, she will be a beauty when she's older," cooed the woman.
The man and Lennox exchanged a look, then both nodded.
Reighna's eyes had tears in them as she looked down on the child that the woman held in her arms. She gave herself a little shake, and the moment was broken. She bent over the bundle. The child's bright eyes, the color of violets, looked up into her mother's. Reighna kissed the baby's forehead and straightened up.
"Keep her well," was all she said. The couple bowed, and then turned and walked away down a passage to the left.
"There she goes," said Reighna. "There she goes, the one who controls the fate of our world."

(Suspense, suspense!!!!!!!! ***Keep this in your memory, it won't really be important until WAY later on in the book, but it is terribly terribly important to know this scene!!!!!***
Also comment below with comments/questions, constructive critisicm, rate me on a 1-10 scale {1 being horrible, 10 being superawesomemegacool}, etc, etc. Thanks!)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Welcome & Summary

Hello, and welcome to my blog, Akire's Destiny! I have talked about my character Akire to many people, both on Blogger and in real life, but I have come to realize that I have never written her story out in full. So I decided to make a blog to tell you all about Akire, including her life's story, pictures, quotes, and many other things.
Please take note that this is a Stargate Atlantis fanfic, and, with the exception of Akire and her family, many characters and concepts are based from the show. All of these characters and concept are copyrighted to the MGM series and the Stargate franchise. I do not own any of those characters. However, Akire is a copyrighted character. Do not copy anything without specific permission from myself.

Now that that is over, I will tell you about the plotline with as few spoilers as I can manage. Akire Zyll Flickerclaw is the only daughter of Xerin and Ryda Flickerclaw. For most of her childhood, Akire grew up in a typical village on Lewil, but when she reached the age of 20, she became restless and yearned to see more of her planet. Her parents disagreed and kept her in the village.
When Akire was 24, Lewil came under attack by the Wraith, a race of vampiric creatures who use organs on their hands to suck the life force out of their victims, leaving an empty shell behind. Xerin and Ryda took Akire to Lewil's Stargate, a portal that would allow her to travel to somewhere safe. They dialed an address and sent Akire through, but were unable to follow her.
Akire found herself in a strange room, with steps leading up to a balcony and off to each side. She soon discovered that she was trapped in an underwater city, with no way to get out. For two months, she survived on her supplies as well as ones that she found around the city, until others arrived...

About Me

My photo
I am an energetic, fun loving girl who enjoys reading, running, and hanging out with my Blogger and real life buddies. I am a fledgling writer (mainly because I suffer from a critical condition of writer's block), who's favorite genres to write are fantasy, sci-fi, and sometimes historical fiction. I also am a BIG daydreamer, and can often be found by a window, fantasizing about a story that I have seen or read. I am also a huge quotist, meaning that I randomly shout out lines from shows and movies that most people haven't seen. Names I have copyrighted are: Akire, Kayana, Azza, Stella, Zyll(ah), Ayla, Kirwan, Jetstorm, Burnfang, and Flickerclaw.