I am running down a dark hallway. Something is pursuing me, getting closer and closer, and I can’t be caught. But then I trip and land on my back. Before I can see the face of my pursuer, I wake to face the dark night. Twenty four years old and still stuck in this place, I think to myself. To tell the truth, it isn’t so bad, except for the fact my family seems intent on living as far away from Lewil as possible. Lewil. Loo-will? You’ve never heard of it? What about Lewihaih (loo-eh-high)? No? Oh, I’d best start at the beginning then.
Lewihaih is a planet in the Pegasus Galaxy. We are pretty self-independent. We have adequate defenses against the Wraith-what? You’re telling me that you don’t know what a Wraith is?!?! What world are you from?
Basically, all you need to know is that Wraiths are the most inhumane creatures anywhere. Period. Oh, another little fact you can add to your notes on the Pegasus Galaxy is that Wraiths are like what you call vampires—they suck the life out of you. With their hands. Yes, I did say with their hands. They have these little oval shaped things like suction cups, except a lot stronger, but anyways, they are really evil (duh) and basically intent on making the lives of humans here miserable.
They come and “cull” us every generation or so, basically, they come and drink our life source—what? Oh. I can see that you’re getting a little sick. Uh…would you like a bucket? Okay, ALL THOSE WHO ARE FAINT OF HEART LEAVE NOW!!! Oh, okay, I guess you’ll brave the storm.
To continue, my parents used to live in Lewil. In fact, they were some of the many servants to the Emperor and Empress of Lewihaih. But several years ago, when I was about a year old, they quit their jobs and moved into the wilderness with me. I don’t mind that much.
Yeah right. I mean. It’s great and all living out here in the wild, being so close to nature or whatever, but sometimes I fell like there’s something more. Like the place in my dream. I feel like it is more than a dream. Whoa, I can see that almost twenty-four years in the wilderness haven’t made me any less crazy!
Yep, I’m twenty-four. My parents always say that I can move out by myself if I ever get married, but I don’t think that they would let me go for any reason. Another problem that presents itself is that there is a stunning lack of men my age in the wilderness.
So, back to what happened that morning. I woke up in a cold sweat from a dream in which I was being chased by someone who was probably an axe murderer, to find that it’s the middle of the night and I am being eaten alive by Wraiths in bug form. (A.K.A. mosquitoes)