Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Yay!!! End of Part One!!!

If this blog was a book, I would call Chapter 5 the end of Part One. That is one part out of four, maybe five others, but technically the later parts have a lot more chapters. (And they are a lot darker)
But anyways, this is the longest a story blog of mine has gone!!!!! Yay!!!!! *blows party horn*

{{Also, I'm sure you have noticed the new look by now, this will be staying for quite a while. If you want to see the full background picture without all the blog stuff, click here}} celebration, I have decided to have a contest!
Now I know that at least two people come on regularly and comment. But I need a lot more people than that. The contest is to get as many people to follow as possible. Tell people to come, read, and comment saying that you have sent them.

But you are probably wondering what you get if you win this contest. Well, the person to have the most followers after two weeks (that's Dec. 29th) will get a button, made by me, as well as a cameo appearance in this blog!
I will talk to the winner about who their character is and how they fit into the story after the results are announced.
Good luck, and happy holidays!

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Hello, and welcome to my story blog! Have fun, but please keep a few things in mind while you are writing a comment.

-use constructive criticism, don't be mean
-no swearing/cussing/bad language
-be honest!

Thank you :)

About Me

My photo
I am an energetic, fun loving girl who enjoys reading, running, and hanging out with my Blogger and real life buddies. I am a fledgling writer (mainly because I suffer from a critical condition of writer's block), who's favorite genres to write are fantasy, sci-fi, and sometimes historical fiction. I also am a BIG daydreamer, and can often be found by a window, fantasizing about a story that I have seen or read. I am also a huge quotist, meaning that I randomly shout out lines from shows and movies that most people haven't seen. Names I have copyrighted are: Akire, Kayana, Azza, Stella, Zyll(ah), Ayla, Kirwan, Jetstorm, Burnfang, and Flickerclaw.